Cohort 9

Zakiya Gantt

Prior to becoming a Green City Force Corps Member, I was studying for my Associates degree in Criminal Justice. I chose to become a Corps Member because college became too overwhelming, and I started to lose focus and the motivation for it. During my time at GCF, I learned that all aspects of soft skills are important, especially punctuality and consistency. You need soft skills in the real world and they must be used if you want to pursue a career. I also learned how to adapt to different environments and learned how to commit to something and see it all the way through. I would like to thank my brother and a fellow Corps Member for helping me become a better person, but I would especially like to thank all of the GCF staff for pushing me out of my comfort zone and allowing me to learn from my mistakes in order to grow. After graduation, I am going to continue my studies in Criminal Justice thanks to the level of confidence and motivation I have gained from GCF.

Graduate Gallery