NYCHA Residents


Green City Force work with and for NYCHA residents.

NYCHA Residents


Between June and November, NYCHA residents can take home organic produce grown from the farms at our Eco-Hubs. Produce is free, distributed in exchange for dropping off your household compost, volunteering for at least 30 minutes, or filling out a resident feedback survey.


Farm Stand Details


Farm Email Updates

For up-to-date news about each farm, sign up for our farm email lists.


Farm Email Signup

NYCHA Residents


NYCHA residents are encouraged to bring organic waste like fruit and vegetable scraps, egg shells, and coffee grounds to be composted at the Eco-Hubs. Corps Members and GCF partner, alumni-led Social Enterprise Compost Power, process the scraps into healthy soil (aka “black gold”) that is used to grow more produce, keeping our farms closed-loop.


Farm Stand Details

NYCHA Residents


The Service Corps works with partners to host educational and interactive community workshops at our Eco-Hubs.

Due to COVID-19 all public workshops and some events were canceled. We are in the process of resuming public workshops and adding community events more regularly in the coming season.

NYCHA Residents

Join the Corps
Refer a Candidate

Are you a NYCHA or affordable housing resident between 18 and 24? Are you ready to build sustainable public housing communities and launch your career?

Do you know a young adult resident who should join the Service Corps? Share the application!

Apply now

NYCHA Residents


Every NYCHA resident can join the movement to make NYC public housing communities, greener, healthier, and more environmentally sustainable. GCF’s Love Where You Live campaign gives NYCHA residents the tools and tips you need to create a more sustainable community.

Green Tips

GCF works with the housing authority to advance the NYCHA 2.0 Sustainability Agenda, saving housing authority residents power and money.


Power Saving Tips

  • Switch your light bulbs to LEDs to cut your lighting energy use by at least 75% and your new bulbs will last 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs.
  • Add weatherizing strips to stop leaks and drafts at your windows to save up to 20% of your heating costs.


Zero-Waste Tips

  • Reducing the amount of trash and recycling you produce is an important part of a sustainable lifestyle. GCF works in partnership with the NYC Department of Sanitation to reach it’s 0x30 goal, zero waste to landfills by 2030.
  • Always carry a reusable bag to avoid taking plastic bags when shopping.
  • Bring your metal, glass, plastic and paper recycling to NYCHArecycles! Facilities at your development.
  • Drop your organic waste (food scraps, fruit peels, eggshells, coffee etc.) at a composting location like the Farms at NYCHA or your local farmers market.