Cohort 5

Ivan Acevedo

Green City Force was a great experience for me. It has taught me so much about the professional world and a lot about the green economy that I probably would have never known. I learned about urban agriculture working at Red Hook Farm, different names of lights and their fixtures with Small Business Direct Installation Program, and plenty more. Being in this program helped me enlighten myself about skills that I can gain and those I already own. Ones I have not noticed until being here. The program helped me grow as an individual and as a whole. These six months have been more action packed than I thought they would before I started, and it was all worth it. I feel like I accomplished a lot with the work that was given to us. I appreciate the staff and my fellow Corps Members too. We all were like a family and we all played a part in motivating each other. We met great people and did wonderful things for communities, people, and small businesses in New York. I enjoyed everywhere we went. My most memorable moment was volunteering in the Red Hook community after Hurricane Sandy hit. On one of the several days there, we stayed from 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. assisting whatever way we could. That was awesome! I hope I put everything I learned from Green City Force and all my experiences to use in the future. I also hope Green City Force has much success. They deserve it.

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