Cohort 21

Azarahyah Yishrael

I had no idea of what to expect coming into Green City Force. Before GCF, I was taking a break from school, which was also around the time when I first saw the poster for the program. What instantly caught my attention was the farming aspect of it. Even though I got to learn a lot about farming, I also walked away with so much more knowledge than I probably know what to do with. Sustainability, farming, energy conservation, and recycling are only some of the things I learned during my time at GCF. I also got to meet and work alongside many different amazing and well rounded individuals that I’m proud to have had as my Corps Members. I also had an amazing Service Coordinator in Justin Baker, & Eco Hub Fellows in Steven Roig & Roman Martin. These three have done what they can to help us Corps Members get through our service term, taught us many things we didn’t know before, and become not only our mentors, but also very close friends. Through these interactions, I got to learn a bit more about myself in the process, and come out of my shell a little more. I feel as though I’ve grown as a person overall and feel more confident in myself and my abilities. Being a part of Green City Force has given me a sense of belonging and a sense of community. All I can say now is thank you Green City Force — staff and Corps Members alike — for everything you’ve done for me.

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