Cohort 24

Akeela Lucius

GCF helped me through a really tough time, especially some of the staff. I just want to give a huge shout out to Kyara, Giselle, Steve and Shontanyce. You have all been like my backbone through the last couple months. The biggest lesson I learned here is that consistency and communication are keys to a successful future. I have been through more life in this program than anywhere else and it’s been an uplifting journey. I can say now I’m confident in my abilities. With the support of the staff at GCF, I pushed myself harder than I ever had because I’ve never had so many people rooting for me and wanting me to be better and be the best version of myself. I wasn’t even thinking about that when I joined. I was thinking about just finishing and finding a job. But when I met everyone, going through the motions with them, I didn’t show it much, but this experience was extremely special to me. Thank you GCF staff and members for being who you are.

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