Cohort 27

Solomon Cherry (he/him)

Green City Force is the organization I figured would help me the most get my life centered and back on track. I have been trying to find a career path to strive towards since COVID first reared its head back in 2020 and I had a change of heart while attaining my environmental science associates degree. After having invested a lot of time into being an entrepreneur for almost three years I decided that there were many life changes I needed to make in order to live the life I want to live. Among those decisions I felt I needed to rejoin the green workforce strongly. I have taken every single opportunity that Green City Force has presented me in my path to becoming the man I aspire to evolve into. I also very much appreciate my team who has also made this journey significantly less stressful. I have rarely had large teams like what we have at Forest Houses, but I love the Forest team with all my heart. Shoutout to the Forest team.

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