Cohort 27

Sarah Campbell (she/her)

Green City Force has meant the chance for me to gain new skills, connect with NYC on a deeper level, and step out of my work comfort zone. Not only did I get to see different communities, but I got to learn and understand the importance of taking care of yourself and the people around you, even the ones you don’t know. I also learned first hand how to grow fresh vegetables from scratch. I chose to become a Corps Member because I admired GCF’s pride, passion and dedication to improving the livelihood of black and brown folks, navigating the transition to adulthood, and earning resources to build up resumes for the future. Before GCF, I had spent 2 years not working and I discovered this from a flier in my lobby, immediately signing up on my own. During this time, I made new friendships that I will always cherish. I was exposed to real-world opportunities and had a very strong support system from my friends, family and all GCF staff/Fellows. I’m extremely grateful for being a part of Cohort 27. I cannot wait for the next generation to experience the greatness that is GCF. THANK YOU!!

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