Cohort 27

Saidey Sanchez (she/her)

Green City Force was a blessing hidden in plain sight, nothing short of a life-changing experience. From day 1 of orientation where I’d filled pages with career goals combined with positive affirmations that had instilled a sense of purpose – following the first day of bootcamp where I was determined to make a name for myself; understanding the work I was doing filled me with passion and a drive I’d never had before, it was electrifying. Before GCF I was so incredibly shy and often left out, but I was now surrounded by a community that welcomed one another. Before I knew it, my shell had broken and I was reborn as a stronger team player, a leader and friend. I want to thank Support Services for allowing me to grow and guiding me to find myself when I had been searching for so long, she was found. I would also like to thank my beloved Forest team for the unconditional support and grit they displayed everyday – y’all lifted me from the mud when I was afraid to ask for a hand. I thank you Green City Force, from the bottom of my heart, I am eternally grateful.

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