Cohort 27

Jada Joseph (she/her)

Green City Force has meant community and new opportunities to me. For the past six months I’ve experienced new things and have met new people. GCF opened the door to many new things career wise and interpersonal. It’s made me realize a lot about the ways of life as a young adult. I decided to become a Corps Member because I was having a difficult time trying to find a new job, when I saw the flier I felt like I could benefit from what was being offered. I loved the sense of support I got when researching about the program. Before GCF I was in school finishing my second semester of college. I decided I wanted to take a break and focus on myself and give myself space and time to think about what I actually wanted to do. Thankfully GCF was one space I actually got to think about that in. The most important thing I learned from GCF is to never limit yourself, to always try and reach for new things, to never let an opportunity where you can learn and grow as a person go to waste. And that hard work pays off. I definitely want to thank my Service Coordinator Marc for his hard work, as well as patience when understanding his team. You are a great leader and I hope you continue to want to lead people.

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