Cohort 17

Derrick Brehon

What was most significant about my experience with Green City Force is that the staff and organization helped me understand professionalism is at a premium. They’ve shown me that like everything else in life, challenges will arise but they are to be expected and your character is to remain intact. Before Green City Force, I held consistent work as a seasonal hire in various departments mainly in the field of customer service and retail. As a result of Green City I now am armed with the credentials I need to strive forward to my next step in life both as a career prospect and man. Thank you to every Corps Member for all of the experience, knowledge and ideas we’ve passed on between each other and I won’t shout out anyone because they won’t let me shout out EVERYONE, love y’all. I will use my carpentry and electrical certifications to make myself a more appealing prospect in the field of infrastructure, electricity, or facility operation with the anticipation of attaining my Green Professional certification and I will continue to gain these credentials to be viewed as a viable and respected professional.

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