Cohort 27

Carmen Perez (she/her)

Understanding that I’m not perfect but I’m a progressive and loved child of God helps me step into all my environments with an open mind, faith and creativity. Grateful for the opportunity to receive and share from and to others. Our stories, wisdom and failures. GCF gave me more confirmation and clarity on my career and how I want to go about it. Informed me about different pathways, connected me to wonderful caring people, and showed me what works and what doesn’t. Making space to open our eyes to problems in the world that cause us to limit others and ourselves. Paying our way into so many different doors. Giving us more branches to our tree of life and other fellow trees in our community. I joined for urban agriculture and solar. I got community, encouragement, and inspiration. Nothing in the opportunity is small, it’s just about what angles you’re seeing it though. That’s when I realized, that’s what was in store for me. GCF gave us soil to grow. We’re now being transplanted to the grounds we want to walk on to. Thank you GCF for being. I hope we all continue to seek and find.

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