Cohort 27

Alexander Brown (he/him)

Green City Force has been very interesting. I chose to become a Corps Member because I knew I love interacting with people, giving back to my community and sharing what I’m learning with others. This program changed my life for the better. Before GCF I was working in a minimum wage job for 3 years. My last job didn’t give me the knowledge and experience like GCF did. The most important thing I’ve learned from GCF is coming together as a community to give back and teach the black and brown community how to properly grow their own food. I also liked the call and responses. “Train the mind, the body will follow” is my favorite because in order for you to do physical work your mind has to be physically and mentally strong and capable of doing the work. I want to thank my Astoria team and my partner for encouraging me and pushing me to do great. Especially when I was at my lowest point and wanted to quit. They told me life is full of challenges and you’ll overcome them. After my great experience with GCF I can continue with my craft and teach others. Alex out, peace!

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