“Always advocate for yourself, utilize the tools you are given and use them to reach your full potential. Network and communicate with everyone you can and always try to leave a strong positive impact on people.”
Domonique Lewis
Graduated: 2022, Cohort 22
From: Roosevelt Houses, Brooklyn
Current Position: Green City Force Eco-Hub Fellow
The GCF Eco-Hub Fellow (EHF) position is an advanced term AmeriCorps leadership intensive. EHFs serve alongside Service Coordinators to help drive programming and act as positive role models for Corps Members. This additional step in their workforce development journey allows them to hone their skills as leaders within the climate justice movement.
Tell us about your current role.
“I am an Eco-Hub Fellow at Green City Force, which means I am an alum from Cohort 22 and now I am serving a second AmeriCorps term as a youth developer.“
What does your typical workday look like?
“I assist my Service Coordinator with creating a task list for the day, inputting attendance data, and assisting members with issues they may have. Some days I may have meetings with staff to give and receive updates across the Eco-Hub sites. I also am very hands-on with my team and teach them how to aerate, transplant, direct seed and complete other agricultural tasks.”
How has your GCF experience helped you?
“GCF has helped me by giving me the knowledge and resources I need in order to expand my opportunities. I have had multiple opportunities to network with energy and agricultural sector-aligned jobs and people. GCF also helped me by giving me tools to prepare for professional development. I am an alumni of Cohort 22, so GCF gave me a lot of experience and knowledge of agriculture and environmental sustainability during my first term. Serving at the Eco-Hub site during my first term and my position as an Eco-Hub Fellow now will prepare me for my future career.”
What advice do you have for current Corps Members and other Alumni?
“My advice to current Corps Members would be to take advantage of every opportunity you are given. Always advocate for yourself and utilize the tools you are given and use them to reach your full potential. Network and communicate with everyone you can and always try to leave a strong positive impact on people.”
Achievements at GCF:
“At GCF I achieved a lot, including getting my OSHA40 and GPRO certificates, and becoming an Eco-Hub Fellow. I acquired certificates that can help me elevate my position within the energy sector and I still have more opportunities within other environmental and sustainability sectors.”
What’s your favorite GCF memory?
“My favorite GCF memory would be meeting all of the new people I’ve met so far. So many people are very supportive and it’s clear they’re here to help and have a strong sense of teamwork and community. A lot of people from GCF have become like family to me and I’m appreciative of everyone who supports me.”
“Green City Force helped me gain a new perspective on life and helped me enhance my true character. I would like to thank everyone for helping me bring out my full potential. I’ve met so many amazing people throughout my journey. I would like to thank my Service Coordinator, Hakim, for always setting a strong example and teaching me how to be a strong team leader. I would also like to thank Giselle for motivating me, as well as always being there and helping me out.”
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