Happy Climate Week!

Artboard 1 Announcements Featured
icon-clock September 21, 2021

Dear GCF friends and family,

Today marks the beginning of Climate Week 2021. We currently have Corps Members in service growing food, composting, and recycling at our Eco-Hubs with plans for a new site in the year ahead. Our graduates are working on urban forestry and composting across New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) developments, with ongoing conversations about a Civilian Climate Corps (CCC) with local, state, and national partners and stakeholders happening regularly. Below is a list of recent articles and discussions related to the potential of a CCC and what role GCF and other conservations corps could have in a national vision of climate service.

The past year has been full of many challenges for all of us. Hurricane Ida is the most recent example. But, it has also been full of success, teachable moments, and examples of progress on the path towards justice and the #futuregreencity. We have Corps Members in service getting training in eco-literacy via Green City Academy, and our Harvest Festivals start in October. Today, NYCHA released its updated Sustainability Agenda, which features GCF as a core partner, and later this week, NYCHA staff members are joining us in the field for volunteer days in honor of Climate Week.

October will be the one-year anniversary of The Green Economy Network, founded in partnership with JobsFirstNYC, Green City Force, The Hope Program, and Non Traditional Employment for Women. We’re thrilled to move forward in our second year with a city-wide cohort of workforce organizations, employers, policymakers, trainers, and funders working collectively toward an aligned approach to securing environmental, economic, and racial justice as we tackle critical climate issues.

This past weekend, I had the privilege of attending a gathering at the Omega Institute touring the Omega Center for Sustainable Living, and it was inspiring to see examples of what our Eco-Hubs Powered by GCF can become over time. There is so much more to do, and the time is now to do it. Stay connected to us to learn more about how you can continue to partner with us because, at GCF, every week is Climate Week.

Finally, I’m grateful to note that last week marked my one-year anniversary as Executive Director of GCF. Thank you to all the partners, stakeholders, staff, graduates, and Corps Members who made our year successful. I was recently reminded of a quote from St. Augustine, “Hope has two daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.” That is the essence of GCF and the movement we are building together. Thank you all for the many ways you fuel me through art as listed below, lifting the voices of NYCHA communities, helping us to recruit more members, or the myriad of unique ways you all contribute to the mission. It means a lot, and we need everyone on board.

In service and solidarity,


We are incredibly humbled by Karen Romano Young comic showcasing our work in the community and as part of AmeriCorps.

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