We asked the Green City Force graduates working in our EmPower New York social enterprise program for their thoughts on Earth Day. Here’s what they said:
“Earth day means to be
Green, Strong, and Free.
It also means to be
Together no matter what
And enjoy the weather
Protect where we stand
The ground is the power
Where we share”
– Sequanna Vaughan, EmPower Program Associate, Cohort 15
“Earth Day to me means a day to celebrate how far we have come with making our planet cleaner and promoting a more eco-friendly environment. It is a day to think about our world; how beautiful it is and what we need to do to protect it. Green City Force has greatly impacted my outlook on Earth Day by teaching me how to be sustainable, and energy efficient.”
– Shyla Mateo, EmPower Program Assistant, Cohort 11
“To me, Earth Day is a day that reminds us of the importance of a sustainable environment. A day for us to give back to our environment by doing things to help create and maintain a green ecosystem. Things like turning off the lights to preserve energy, planting trees to reduce carbon and recycling to reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Earth Day taught me that no matter how much we contribute we can always do more and it takes little effort.”
– Sadiqua Minor, EmPower Program Coordinator, Cohort 11
“Earth Day means a time to raise awareness and appreciate all for helping protect the environment”
– Shatia Campbell, EmPower Program Assistant, Cohort 2
“April 22nd signifies a time that everyone can come together to collaborate on the preservation and amelioration of our precious resources. To discover efficient and sustainable methods on how we can remediate human errors and natural disasters. For people to focus on what brings us closer based on our priorities and similarities. To cultivate a deeper understanding of all forms of life and cherish what Gaia (Mother Earth) provides.”
– Miguel Rodriguez, EmPower Program Coordinator, Cohort 8
At Green City Force, every day is Earth Day. It is symbolic of the model Green City we want to see. To us, Earth Day represents hope, progress, and unity. Click here to learn more about the history and importance of Earth Day.
Happy Earth Day!

Sam Scotland, EmPower Program Associate, Cohort 1
Let us know what Earth Day means to you @GreenCityForce: