Dear GCF Community,
John Cannizzo, who we lovingly knew as Farmer John, passed away on Friday, February 4th. Our hearts go out to his wife Pam, and daughters Julia and Claire. John joined the staff of Green City Force in August of 2015, and over the years he shared so much with us, from his encyclopedic knowledge of agriculture and horticulture to his passion for working with young people. John was both a teacher and lifelong learner, always stretching himself to look at things from a different perspective. He was always his genuine, loving and authentic self in everything he did and said.
It’s understandable that this is a time of sadness and grieving for all of us who had the gift of knowing Farmer John. John’s family friends have created a GoFundMe page for those who would like to support the family’s financial burdens.
Please take time and space to heal in a way that feels authentic for you. We all have had our individual and collective touch points with John and we will have individual and collective methods of honoring and remembering him. Green City Force will be honoring John with an on-site project this spring. We have also added him to our “Each One, Teach One Virtual Gallery.”
Please join us Thursday, March 11 at 5pm in your best Farmer John hat on Zoom here. Please feel free to join us for this virtual memorial and we would love for anyone that knew John to send us any content that they would like to be included or passed along to his family. Please feel free to share:
- Pictures & videos you have of John
- Any stories you may have with him
- Reflections on how he impacted your life
- Any other content you think would be appropriate to include
Please email with your memories.